The Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR) is a part of Product Information File. Cosmetic Product Safety Report is a key requirement of the Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 and consist of two parts. At the first part of this report is bringing all neccessary information together for safety assessment and has 10 parts.
The second part is prepared by safety assessor’s conclusion for the safety of the product and has four parts. This safety assessor should have a graduation on pharmacy, toxicology, etc. which is recognized by a European Union’s Member State.
MS Star provides you highly quailified experts with high experience on preparing Cosmetic Product Safety Report.

Our experienced safety assessor who is certified and authorized by University of Brussels prepares and signs the Cosmetic Product Safety Reports, which is the first point to be checked in case of an official audit. We prepare the full Product Information File which is necessary to be preserved for a cosmetic product.